Tuesday 20 January 2015

First Things First...

I'm a realist. 
Okay so that's all the lies (or Iggy- I don't know how to spell/pronounce her last name and am too lazy to Google it- lyrics) I ever plan to post on this blog
Now since that's sorted, if you were wondering why I, an unassuming soul decided to start a blog?
Well, even I'm not entirely sure. But then I'm not sure about a lot of things- for instance what I'd like to eat for breakfast, or what I should wear, hell it took me 20 minutes (not exaggerating) to choose a layout for this page/blog. Like seriously? How do people decide what to do? It takes me ages to decide on something!
Sorry, I drifted  away and I'm a bit more than a 100 words in, good going Srishti at this rate you'll have a post-able post (that has a nice right to it doesn't it?) in about 3 days. 
So back to why I started this blog, well to be extremely honest with you it's not because I live this hot and happening life and meet all these cool people or because I have very strong opinions on stuff that's happening around me (unless it's reservation, we can debate that any day okay?) its just because I need a place to clear my head- which doesn't know how to operate at anything but 100kmph (nope not m, km).
Also I'm not sure how often I plan to post here, because I'm approaching one of the most crucial few months of my life (at least that's what they say) so these posts could be extremely sporadic.
I have a really important question though how long a blog post is long enough? 
100 words? 1000 words? 2000 words? 3000? 10000? 

So as I sit here on a cold winter evening typing this on the incognito mode (not everyone uses this for porn just saying) because I sadly have to share this laptop with prying family members  I say a little prayer and hope I don't give up on this blog like I did on my last one because I was too lazy and which was made in moments of depression with sad as fuck posts- even I dont want to go back there. 
I was just re-reading this and I realised there are probably more question marks than full stops in this post. 
And I hope this was long enough and also read-able.
(not going to say goodbye cause "kabhi alvida na kehna")
 Till we meet again,

PLEASE NOTE: No animals were harmed during the production of this work. Only injuries caused were to the keypad- specifically the backspace button since the writer is extremely unsure of her thoughts.

P.S. The only reason I started this is so that at least  someone thinks I'm cool. 
    b y e  <3
P.P.S. my blog url isn't misspelled its just a very clever play of words- just in case you were wondering :)

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